Here at the Centre for Industrial Rheology we have amassed a wide range of rheometers, viscometers, test spindles and equipment accessories, enabling us to perform many practical testing methods under the conditions your industry requires. We are constantly updating our laboratory and adopting new testing methods, developing new attachments and attempting world firsts!
Please contact us to discuss your rheological needs.

Research Class Rheometers
High performance research rheometers provide an unparalleled ability to capture the nuanced rheological attributes of materials ranging from very thin to very thick liquids, and from ultra-fragile colloidal structures to rigid solids. We have four outstanding rheometers and a huge selection of accessories, including cones, plates and cylinders of various sizes, materials and finishes, as well as custom-built accessories for specialist and niches applications.
Typical rheometer test methods include:
- Viscosity profiling under shear rate or shear stress control
- Zero-shear viscosity measurement
- Yield stress and yield strain characterisations
- Viscosity-Temperature profiling (ranging from -45°C to 500°C)
- Oscillation Stress Sweep/Strain Sweep
- Oscillatory Frequency Sweep
- Creep and Recovery
We also use the Rheometer as a base unit for many other physical analyses including Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) for:
- Glass Transition
- Time Temperature Superposition (TTS)
- Phase Transition
Learn more about our rheometer based testing services…
Drop-Shape Analyser
Our Kruss DSA-30R with oscillating drop module, cuvette, temperature control and tilting plate enables us to perform a number of surface tension, interfacial tension and interfacial rheology test methods:
- Sessile Drop
- Contact Angle
- Advancing/receding contact angle
- Surface Free Energy
- Pendant Drop
- Surface Tension
- Two phase immersion for interfacial rheology
- ‘Dynamic Measurements’
- Surface tension stabilisation
- Short time-scale measurements up to 5ms resolution
- Oscillating Drop Module (ODM)
- Interfacial rheology
- Tilting table
- Advancing/receding contact angle
Learn more about our drop shape analyser based testing services…
Texture Analyser
Our Stable Microsystems TA.XT plus C provides basic structural and behavioural qualities of samples through compression and tensile testing:
- Yield point
- Pliability
- Adhesiveness
- Elasticity
- Cohesiveness
- Burst strength
- Breaking point,
- Fracturability
- Gel strength
Powder Rheometer
Our Freeman FT4 Powder Rheometer is able to perform a number of highly sensitive and sophisticated powder flow and handling analyses, enabling technicians to predict sample performance in typical environments.
- Flow Function
- Bulk Density
- Friction Angle
- Basic Flow Energy
- Variable Flow Rate
- Powder Stability
- Segregation
- Attrition
- Agglomeration
- Air permability
- Aeration
Brookfield R/S SST Soft Solids Tester
Difficult to measure materials such as lumpy slurries, set gels and waxes require non-intrusive analysis, which can be achieved with our Brookfield R/S SST Soft Solids Tester. This vane rheometer allows for suspension solids and high yield complex liquids to be measured under different controlled stresses and rates.
- Yield Stress
- Shear Modulus
- Creep Testing
Brookfield RV, LV and HB Viscometers
For simple viscosity measurement, we have a range of Brookfield RV and LV digital viscometers. We also have several spindles, t-bars, helipaths, small sample adapters and vane spindles to accommodate any sample type you require.
- Brookfield Viscosity
- Viscosity Index/Thixotropic index
- T-Bar and Helipath Viscosity
- Yield Stress
Learn more about our viscometer based testing services…
Cone Penetrometer
Primary sample consistency and direct property measurement can be measured with our Cone Penetrometer, which conforms to ASTM testing standards.
Custom-Built Biotribology Equipment
Our custom-built equipment for bio-tribology and soft tribology measurement enables the quantification of lubrication and friction for cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and foods.
Learn more about our custom tribology equipment based testing services…
3D FDM Printer
Our Ultimaker 2 is generally used for geometry prototyping and creation of special attachments for unusual samples or unique project requirements.
Our laboratory also has the magnetic and overhead stirrers, desktop PC’s, storage facilities and safety equipment needed to ensure safe, precise and trustworthy analysis.
All equipment is handled by our team of skilled, passionate lab technicians with many years experience in practical rheology and viscosity testing. If you have any questions about the capabilities of us and our equipment do not hesitate to contact us.